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Multiplier Events organised by the TEASPILS project

Teacher Training Event
Naturalizing learning spaces at Royal Botanic Garden. Madrid (Spain)

Extended reports as PDF: [ME1][ME2][ME3][ME4][ME5]

Naturalizing learning spaces at Royal Botanic Garden. Madrid (Spain)

This event was organized by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on October 15th 2021 at the Assembly Hall of the Real Jardín Botánico in Madrid as a mid-project input and output event. The event was also broadcasted via streaming and recorded for asynchronous attendance. The event was entitled “Naturalizing learning spaces: challenges and lessons learned with IoT technology”, and the program included expert presentations on green pedagogy, plant appreciation, data competences and the digital agenda in combination with environmental awareness. The event was a pre-hoc activity that connected to a wider range of public stakeholders like education authorities, policy makers, school leaders, teacher educators, and teachers, thereby building a community of practitioners that can be further involved in the other phases of the TEASPILS project. A list of attendance with names and institutions is available (31 face-to-face participants in the hall; 55 synchronous online participants; potential number of participants for asynchronous future visualizations of the event).













The program involved the following presentations and presenters:

  • «Teaching Environmental Awareness with Smart IoT Planters in Learning Spaces». Bernardo Tabuenca, Professor at the ETSI of Computer Systems of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and coordinator of the Erasmus + TEASPILS project; Edmundo Tovar, Professor at the ETSI Informática and coordinator of the eMadrid project by the UPM. You can find further details, slides, and video recording here

  • «Environmental awareness and use of IoT technologies». Carlos Gilarranz Casado, Professor of School at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas and President of the Official College of Agricultural Technical Engineers of the Center; and Mariano Sánchez García, Head of the Gardening and Arboriculture Unit of the Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC. You can find further details, slides, and video recording here

  • «Initiatives to improve the environmental quality of the ETSI Industriales classrooms». Yago Torroja Fungairiño, Professor of the ETS Industrial Engineers of the UPM. You can find further details, slides, and video recording here

MoodleMoot Conference 2021. Cyprus | Greece (Online)

Cyprus|Greece event @ MoodleMoot 2021 Conference

This TEASPILS Multiplier Event was jointly organized by the Open University of Cyprus (OUC) and Doukas School (DOU) Greece and was implemented online via the MoodleMoot 2021 Greece Conference, after discussion and agreement by the coordinator and all the project partners.


It is noted that two multiplier events were originally planned to take place physically, one in Cyprus and the second in Greece. However, due to the sudden, very fast rise of new Covid-19 cases in Greece and Cyprus during the fall 2021 such events could not take place physically, hence OUC and DOU proposed to the rest of the TEASPILS partners to plan jointly one Event online via the MoodleMoot 2021 conference, so that TEASPILS work could be disseminated. Co-organizing an online Event under these difficult circumstances was deemed important, especially given the fact that both OUC and DOU would be addressing an international audience but mainly they would be targeting Greek speaking stakeholders, such as teachers, education technology experts, policy makers, etc. Therefore, following the partners’ agreement, OUC and DOU proceeded with the planning of the Event in coordination with MoodleMoot 2021.


All TEASPILS partners contributed to the Event with presentations focusing on the different aspects of the Project work. Specifically, Dr Bernardo Tapuenca, the TEASPILS Project Coordinator from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), first provided a general Project Overview and immediately after that he presented for the first time in public, the Smart Internet of Things Planters Prototype, which has various built-in sensors for automatic collection of data in learning spaces. Next, Ariel Ortiz Beltran presented the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) work on Online Visualization Tools, which will be used to enhance the student understanding of data collected by the environmental sensors in the Planters. The following presentation by Veronica Hager provided an overview of a Moodle-based SPOC Pilot being developed by the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP) and which will be used by teachers in their class interventions and in the future will evolve into a MOOC. The workshop proceeded with a presentation by the Open University of Cyprus, regarding an emerging Gamification Framework that will utilise digital sensor evidence for environmental awareness and its application in the SPOC pilot. Next, in support of the overall education process, a rounded approach for utilizing Learning Analytics, was provided by Wolfgang Greller, from the University College of Teacher Education (PhWien). Next, in support of expanding the engagement with the Project, Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti from Doukas School (DOU), presented their work for building an eCommunity using Moodle, blogs, social media, ildeplus, eTwinning in supporting the exchange of ideas and relevant practices. Finally, before closing the Event, Doukas School also presented the overall pilot design for utilising a Quality Assurance Framework application.

Sustainability, biofarming, and IoT event at ECOKTIMA. Athens (Greece)

Sustainability, biofarming, and IoT event at ECOKTIMA. Athens (Greece)


In the context of TEASPILS project and in order to promote the ecosystem created by the project’s outputs, Doukas School organised a multiplier event. The event took place in Ecoktima, located in the outskirts of Athens promoting sustainability and biofarming. In the event 37 people from Greece, Italy, Poland participated and were presented with the TEASPILS outcomes and past project activities. They had the chance to observe the IoT system in action and witness teachers’ testimonials of implementing TEASPILS learning activities in their classrooms. They, also, had the opportunity to ask questions and showcased high-levels of interest in relation to learning activities aiming to raise environmental awareness at a school level.


The duration of the event was 3 hours. The agenda is presented below: 

  • 12.00 - 12.10 Welcome and Introduction to the TEASPILS project

  • 12.10 - 12.30 Presentation of the Open Online Course

  • 12.30 - 12.40 Gamification Framework

  • 12.40 - 12.50 Coffee Break 

  • 12.50 - 13.30 Smart IoT planters

  • 13.30 - 13.50 Visualisation Dashboard

  • 13.50 - 14.20 ILDE+ ‘How to create a learning activity’

  • 14.20 - 14.50 Hands-on activity ‘Create your own learning activity for indoor planting’ 

  • 14.50 - 15.30 Discussion & QA evaluation

Garden Therapy Conference. Vienna (Austria)

Garden Therapy Conference. Vienna (Austria)

The event was specifically designed for people working with plants in an educational or therapeutic context and took place in Presence at the University college at 5 May 2023 (09:00 until 15:30 CET). In addition, a live stream was offered. 


The target group was teachers, advisors, researchers and interested students. The multiplier event consisted of a keynote speech on the topic of motivational conversation and a workshop part, dealing with the use of indoor plants and sensors for sustainability education. Here all the results of the TEASPILS project were presented in detail. A list of attendance is available upon request (36 face-to-face participants in the hall; 15 synchronous online participants).


The program involved the following presentations and presenters:

  • Keynote: Motivational conversation. Mag. Anja Fischer, presented the concept of motivational conversation. William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick, the "fathers" of motivational conversation, describe their concept as a cooperative dialogue style with which people can be strengthened in their own motivation and commitment to change.

  • Then the participants were divided into groups and 2 rounds of workshops took place. This way, each participant could take part in both workshops.

  • Workshop A: Motivational conversation. Mag. Anja Fischer: Discussion of the keynote and derivation of recommendations for practice Practice

  • Workshop B: DI Veronika Hager and DI Karoline Meixner Katzmann, University College of Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy: Use of indoor plants and sensors for sustainability education, presentation of the results of the project TEASPILS


The event was organised by Hochschule für Agrar und Umweltpädagogik (HAUP).

Workshop TEASPILS international multiplier event. Vienna (Austria)

Workshop TEASPILS international multiplier event. Vienna (Austria)

The event took place at the Hochschule für Agrar und Umweltpädagogik (HAUP) on 31st March 2023. In total, 11 international and 6 national participants were informed face to face about the TEASPILS project. 


14:00 CET: Presentation of the project

  • Aim of the project

  • Outputs

O1: SPOC and open online course to foster environmental awareness in schools

O2: Smart IoT planters to collect data in learning spaces

O3: Visualisation dashboard to show sensor data - mobile and web-based app

O4: Pilot studies with smart IoT planters in learning spaces

O6: Gamification framework to utilise digital sensor evidence for pedagogic environmental awareness


15:00 CET: Practical training


16:00 CET: End of the Workshop

Maker Faire. Barcelona (Spain)

Maker Faire Conference. Barcelona (Spain)


(July 1st, 2nd, 2022): The ME included a panel and two workshops. The panel was entitled “Sensors, IoT for STEAM learning, and environmental awareness”, focusing on the project concept and outputs and two real experiences in which TEASPILS tools (the dashboard)  were already used in classrooms. The presentations of the experiences were done by two teachers that participated in TEASPILS SPOC. One of the workshops was oriented towards educators and academic managers and the other for children and their families. In the workshops they were able to use practically the ILDE+TEASPILS and the dashboard.



The ME was highly welcomed by the audience, and as a result TEASPILS was invited to participate at the STEAMconference Barcelona.

STEAM Conference. Plantes i Tecnologia. Barcelona (Spain)

STEAM Conference. Barcelona (Spain)

The audience of this multiplier event were science, technology, art and mathematics teachers. In the ME, the concept and ecosystem developed by the project was presented, along with examples for their implementation. Participants were guided in the design of their own TEASPILS activities considering TEASPILS tools, such as the ILDE+TEASPILS, the spike and the dashboard. The participants were especially interested in the examples they could explored in the ILDE+TEASPILS and three schools showed interest in participating in TEASPILS pilots.[1]  Info:


Lego League event. Barcelona (Spain)

Lego League event. Barcelona (Spain)

(February 18th, 2023). The project was presented to kids, their teachers, and families attending the Barcelona’s First Lego League. Project outputs were presented in a series of live talks and participants were encouraged to think about the relationship between technologies and environmental awareness.

Oracle4Girls workshop. Barcelona (Spain)

Oracle4Girls Workshop. Barcelona (Spain)

(April 22th, 2023): A practical workshop for girls between 11 to 16 years old was developed based on the TEASPILS technologies. The girls were asked to propose a plant-based solution for some of their day-by-day problems in their learning spaces. Meanwhile, families were in an auditorium listening to information about the project and its main concept and goals. 

CACAO international visits. Barcelona (Spain)

CACAO Workshop event. Barcelona (Spain)

(March 16th, 2023): UPF hosted a visit of international researchers and educational practitioners (field of biology education). As part of their visit, UPF organised a multiplier event devoted to the presentation of the TEASPILS project and the developed ecosystem. After the presentation, participants and project members discussed the intersection of environmental awareness in learning spaces, technologies (such as the dashboard, the ILDE+TEASPILS platform, and the spike) music, and arts. 

Joint Technology Enhanced Learning Summer School. Murcia (Spain)

Joint Tehcnology Enhanced Learning Summer School. Murcia (Spain)

(June 6th, 2023): The TEASPILS ecosystem and results were presented in a workshop co-located with the JTELSS Summer school. The audience were educational technology researchers, which were able to use the TEASPILS dashboard and engage in discussions about the potential of TEASPILS to enhance learning and how this type of technology and related conceptual approaches can evolve in the future.

Project No.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082258


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This Website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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