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Output 6 - Gamification framework to utilise digital sensor evidence for pedagogic environmental awareness

Extended IO6 report available here


Intellectual Output 6 (IO6) of the TEASPILS project introduces a pioneering gamification framework that harnesses the potential of digital sensor evidence to enhance pedagogic environmental awareness. This report provides an in-depth exploration of the development, implementation, and impact of the gamification framework, aimed at engaging primary and secondary level students in the exploration of plant care, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and environmental consciousness.














An example of gamification elements applied on the Dashboard (IO3)


IO6 was conceived to bridge the worlds of gamification and environmental education. Recognizing the power of gamification to captivate student interest and drive engagement, the central objective was to integrate this strategy into the TEASPILS pedagogic model. The overarching goal was to transform sensor data collection and IoT technology use into captivating learning experiences, fostering environmental awareness and responsibility.


The two-phase approach undertaken for IO6 exemplified a comprehensive and iterative development process. In the initial phase, gamification elements were integrated into the pilot study based on the initial equipment and teaching materials. By infusing gamification strategies such as points, levels, and leaderboards, the pilot study (IO4) transformed sensor data collection into interactive competitions, sparking enthusiasm among students. The personal dashboard (IO3) enriched the experience by offering real-time insights through learning analytics.













An example of gamification elements applied on the SPOC (IO1)


The second phase of IO6 was a natural progression, stemming from the pilots and their evaluation. Building upon the lessons learned, this phase focused on conceptualizing a theoretical gamification framework for effective teaching and learning. By analyzing the experiences with learning analytics and the pedagogical use of pilot data, this framework aimed to establish a structured approach to incorporate gamification into environmental education.


The incorporation of gamification theories was pivotal in shaping the pedagogic models underpinning IO6. These theories facilitated the creation of a framework that harnessed students' intrinsic motivation, turning the pursuit of environmental awareness into an engaging and rewarding endeavor. By infusing gamified elements into learning activities, educators were empowered to cultivate active participation, healthy competition, and a sense of achievement (See badges below).















IO6 brought forth a novel perspective to environmental teaching activities. Through the gamification framework, educators could transform sensor data collection and analysis into dynamic experiences. This transition facilitated quantitative assessment strategies, enabling teachers to orchestrate student competitions and collaborative challenges. Moreover, the framework extended to environmental education concepts, facilitating innovative teaching approaches that align with contemporary pedagogical trends (e.g., gamified avatars, IoT and Artificial Intelligence).




















Plantagotchi: An avatar with gamification elements applied on the Spike (IO2)


The culmination of IO6's efforts was the integration of the developed Gamification Framework into the Open Online Course (IO1), and the IoT Spike (IO2). This seamless integration ensured the dissemination of the framework's principles to a wider audience, enabling educators to embrace the transformative potential of gamification in their teaching practices.


Intellectual Output 6 of the TEASPILS project combines technology, innovation, and education. By introducing a gamification framework on digital sensor evidence, IO6 might catalyze a shift in environmental education paradigms. The synthesis of IoT technology, gamification strategies, and environmental awareness fosters not only engaged learning but also nurtures a generation of environmentally conscious and technologically adept learners, poised to tackle the challenges of the modern world. The legacy of IO6 extends beyond its immediate implementation, inspiring educators to cultivate impactful pedagogical experiences that resonate with students and promote sustainable practices. 


Further details on the Gamification Framework developed by the TEASPILS Project are published in three conference articles with outstanding results:


Rodosthenous, C., Mavrotheris, E., Greller, W., & Tabuenca, B. (2022, September). Creating environmental awareness in education through IoT and gamification. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 657-668). Cham: Springer I [Open article available here] Best paper award at ICL conference 2022.


Rodosthenous, C., & Mavrotheris, E. (2022).  Applying Gamification Mechanics in an Environmental Education SPOC. In Proceeding of 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN22) (pp. 9818-9825). IATED. 10.21125/edulearn.2022.2370


Tabuenca, B., Leo-Ramirez, A., Uche-Soria, M., Tovar, E., Greller, W., Rodosthenous, C., & Mavrotheris, E., (Septembrer, 2023). Unlocking the Potential of IoT for Interactive and Collaborative Learning: Case Studies in Higher Education. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning. Cham: Springer International Publishing. In press. 






















Project No.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082258


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This Website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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