This TEASPILS Multiplier Event was jointly organized by the Open University of Cyprus (OUC) and Doukas School (DOU) Greece and was implemented online via the MoodleMoot 2021 Greece Conference, after discussion and agreement by the coordinator and all the project partners.
It is noted that two multiplier events were originally planned to take place physically, one in Cyprus and the second in Greece. However, due to the sudden, very fast rise of new Covid-19 cases in Greece and Cyprus during the fall 2021 such events could not take place physically, hence OUC and DOU proposed to the rest of the TEASPILS partners to plan jointly one Event online via the MoodleMoot 2021 conference, so that TEASPILS work could be disseminated. Co-organizing an online Event under these difficult circumstances was deemed important, especially given the fact that both OUC and DOU would be addressing an international audience but mainly they would be targeting Greek speaking stakeholders, such as teachers, education technology experts, policy makers, etc. Therefore, following the partners’ agreement, OUC and DOU proceeded with the planning of the Event in coordination with MoodleMoot 2021.
All TEASPILS partners contributed to the Event with presentations focusing on the different aspects of the Project work. Specifically, Dr Bernardo Tapuenca, the TEASPILS Project Coordinator from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), first provided a general Project Overview and immediately after that he presented for the first time in public, the Smart Internet of Things Planters Prototype, which has various built-in sensors for automatic collection of data in learning spaces. Next, Ariel Ortiz Beltran presented the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) work on Online Visualization Tools, which will be used to enhance the student understanding of data collected by the environmental sensors in the Planters. The following presentation by Veronica Hager provided an overview of a Moodle-based SPOC Pilot being developed by the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP) and which will be used by teachers in their class interventions and in the future will evolve into a MOOC. The workshop proceeded with a presentation by the Open University of Cyprus, regarding an emerging Gamification Framework that will utilise digital sensor evidence for environmental awareness and its application in the SPOC pilot. Next, in support of the overall education process, a rounded approach for utilizing Learning Analytics, was provided by Wolfgang Greller, from the University College of Teacher Education (PhWien). Next, in support of expanding the engagement with the Project, Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti from Doukas School (DOU), presented their work for building an eCommunity using Moodle, blogs, social media, ildeplus, eTwinning in supporting the exchange of ideas and relevant practices. Finally, before closing the Event, Doukas School also presented the overall pilot design for utilising a Quality Assurance Framework application.
Erasmus+ Project TEASPILS Workshop Program
MoodleMoot 2021
3:30 – 5:30 CET (4:30 – 6:30 Athens Time)
Friday, November 26
Welcome (Stathis Mavrotheris)
o On behalf of the Open University of Cyprus (OUC) & Doukas School (DOU)
Project TEASPILS Overview (Bernardo Tabuenca)
o Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Smart IoT planters: The SPIKE Prototype (Bernardo Tabuenca)
o Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Online Visualization Tools (Ariel Ortiz Beltran)
o Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
Using Moodle to Design a SPOC and steps towards a MOOC (Veronica Hager)
o University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP), Vienna, Austria
Towards a Gamification Framework for Environmental Education utilizing Moodle based tools and activities (Stathis Mavrotheris, Christos Rodosthenous)
o Open University of Cyprus (OUC)
Learning Analytics (Wolfgang Greller)
o University College of Teacher Education (PhWien), Vienna, Austria
TEASPILS eCommunity: Using Moodle, blogs, social media, ildeplus, eTwinning in supporting the exchange of ideas and relevant practices (Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti)
o Doukas School (DOU), Athens, Greece
Upcoming pilot utilising a Quality Assurance Framework application (Thomas Economou, Elpi Margaritti)
o Doukas School (DOU), Athens, Greece
Closing - Next steps (OUC, DOU)