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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


B. Tabuenca

E. Tovar

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), founded in 1971 as a result of the merger of the Higher Technical Schools existing since the 18th century, is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university. It has almost 3,000 faculty members, 414 researchers and 1,900 administrative staff. Around 36,000 undergraduate and Master students and 1,900 doctoral students are currently studying at UPM. The 18 UPM schools cover most engineering disciplines, as well as architecture, computer science and geodesy and cartography, and even fashion design and sports. 

As a top quality academic establishment, UPM also has a strong commitment to R&D and innovation, boasting 200 research groups and 17 research centres and institutes, contributing significantly to the international scientific community with a high number of journal papers, conference communications, and PhD theses. UPM has a long tradition of collaboration with industry (around 50% of its R&D funding) and participation in international R&D programmes. As far as UPM participation in EU programmes is concerned, the university has taken part in 242 European R&D projects with more than €64 M of funding, ranking as the top Spanish university in funding terms. It is a very active H2020 participant with an average success rate of 24% in the programme’s six years of life, as both project coordinator and full partner. According to its H2020 participation rate, UPM tops the ranking of Spanish universities. UPM is a member of four of the eight European Institute of Technology approved Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), opening the way to participation in H2020 projects. UPM is also involved in on-line education, being a member of the OCW consortium (and occupying a place on the board), and is very active with respect to MOOC platforms like EdX, MiriadaX, etc. 

Committed to entrepreneurship and innovation, UPM has a Technological Innovation Support Centre (CAIT). CAIT aims to consolidate the exploitation of R&D results by promoting technological innovation and connecting the university with the private sector. Its goals are to attract new innovative companies that work in alliance with UPM in R&D activities, increase technology development, develop spin-offs fostering its internationalisation, create common service platforms for the campus start-up companies, support fundraising and external investment in R&D and identify needs and market trends.

Project No.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082258


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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