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University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy Vienna

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The University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy Vienna is a science and pedagogic center for the education of teachers and consultants in the professional fields of agriculture and forestry as well as environmental education. In addition to Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, a wide range of continuing education programmes and occupation-specific research are offered.


Both the rural and the urban Austrian economic area will be influenced more and more by structural, ecological and social change in the future. Well-trained people and the opportunity of further education in the development of new rural occupations are central elements of a sustainable development.


About 800 students study at UCAEP and the university employs about 90 persons. The University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy enables an occupational education based on scientific knowledge.


Studies in Agrarian Pedagogy: In this training, students acquire the necessary qualifications to teach pupils of Schools of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences as well as adults in Further Education. Therefore, promoting the students’ ability to convey their expertise successfully has become the central aim of UCAEPs teacher training program.


The focus lies on subject areas such as business management, agricultural sciences, food sciences, regionalmanagement, educational sciences, personality development and project management.


In the study program of Environmental Education, great importance is attached to the qualification of students in the areas of environment, sustainable development and pedagogy. The program involves issues such as a sustainable development in local and regional areas, climate protection, energy efficiency, educational sciences, personal development and project management.


Besides the bachelor- and master Studies many further education studies are offered. (e.g. Masterprogramm Green Care, horicultural therapy, Animal Assisted Therapy).


Veronika Hager, head of the Center for further education and third-party-funded projects studied agriculture and additionally achieved her teaching qualification for vocational schools and a certification for Online-Tutoring. She has a lot of experience in developing curricula and implementing part time training courses. She is part of the commission for writing curricula at the university collage und teaches education management in the bachelor's programmes. She is contact person for Citizen science at UCAEP. Additionally she is member of the sustainability team and responsible for the eco-label for extracurricular educational institutions.


After graduating from high school in 2002, Sabine Kahrer worked in a law firm before she started a new professional career in 2007 and successfully completed her studies in landscape planning and landscape architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. In 2013 she continued her education at the University of Agricultural and Environmental Education, where she is now working as a project manager in the field of food knowledge.


Project No.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082258


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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